Cape Fear River Partnership Members
The CFRP offers a unique opportunity for State & Federal Agencies, along with Academics and NGO‘s, to utilize their talents, knowledge and experience on a scale impossible to achieve as individuals.
From a researcher’s standpoint, the Cape Fear River Partnership provides a forum that allows us to keep up-to-date on other research, regulatory activities, and physical construction efforts to improve the fisheries environment in the river. Such a forum provides information vital to prioritizing our own research efforts to work toward improving the river’s conditions as well as serving our higher education mission.
The partnership represents a diverse collaboration and only with diverse support can rock weirs be built at all three lock and dams to restore sturgeon and other rare aquatic animals and the habitat that supports them as well as making the Cape Fear River one of the best places to fish on the east coast.
The Partnership has been a vital link for keeping those of us in the Middle Cape Fear Basin up-to-date on the challenges that are being faced by the Lower Cape Fear Basin whether its water quality or fish passage. It’s important to understand these challenges and the strategies being developed to address them so the Middle Basin can be part of the solution.
Having a diverse and knowledgeable coalition is so much more effective for tackling complex problems than going at it alone. Instead of checking out one book you have the whole library at your disposal.
Collaborative Effort
An Implementation Team has been created, whose members work together to implement the actions laid out in the Cape Fear River Action Plan for Migratory Fish. The team holds quarterly conference calls and meets in person annually to discuss progress in implementing plan actions, find solutions to any conflicts or
roadblocks that arise, and adjust plan actions through adaptive management, as necessary.
As part of a long-term adaptive-management approach, the team will develop, and revisit as needed, a list of future priority research needs, which will serve to enhance habitat, water quality, and connectivity in the Cape Fear watershed.
We are not fully aware of the extent of our dependence on the Cape Fear River basin and the value of commercial and recreational fisheries, tourism, recreational uses, avoided costs to water treatment, and cultural uses. The conservation actions to be implemented under the Cape Fear River Action Plan for Migratory Fish are expected to result in:
Cleaner water
Increased habitat
Better habitat for migratory fish